Call for Papers, Panels, and Research in Progress
2022 AJHA National Convention

The American Journalism Historians Association invites paper entries, panel proposals, and abstracts of research in progress on any facet of media history for its 41st annual convention to be held in Memphis September 29 through October 1, 2022.

The deadline for all submissions is  June 1, 2022.

The AJHA views journalism history broadly, embracing print, broadcasting, advertising, public relations, and other forms of mass communication that have been inextricably intertwined with the human past. Transnational research is also welcomed.

Because the AJHA requires presentation of original material, research papers, research in progress, and panels submitted to the convention should not have been submitted to or accepted by another convention or publication.

An individual may submit one entry in each competition, but papers and Research in Progress submissions by an individual author may not be on the same topics.

At least one author of each accepted paper or research in progress must register for and attend the convention. Panelists must also register and attend.

Research Papers

Research entries must be no longer than 25 pages of text, double-spaced, in 12-point type, not including notes. The Chicago Manual of Style is recommended but not required.

Papers must be submitted via email as Word attachments. Submissions must include the following:

  • Completed paper, including 150-word abstract, with author identification in the file name only.
  • ŸA separate file including the abstract and author identification (email address, telephone number, institutional affiliation, student or faculty status).

Send papers to

Accepted papers are eligible for several awards, including the following:

  • David Sloan Award for the outstanding faculty research paper ($250 prize).
  • Robert Lance Award for outstanding student research paper ($100 prize).
  • Jean Palmegiano Award for outstanding international/transnational journalism history research paper ($150 prize).
  • J. William Snorgrass Award for outstanding minority-journalism research paper.
  • Maurine Beasley Award for outstanding women’s-history research paper.
  • Wally Eberhard Award for outstanding research in media and war ($50 prize).

Questions about paper submissions can be directed to AJHA Research Chair Gerry Lanosga of Indiana University ( Authors will be notified in mid-July whether their papers have been accepted.


Panels may relate to any original topic relevant to journalism history, presenting a variety of perspectives that will draw the audience and panelists into meaningful discussion or debate. Preference will be given to panels that present diverse perspectives on their topics, and organizers should consider diversity in race and gender in selecting panelists.

This year, AJHA will accept panel proposals through an online form that requires the following:

  • A title and brief description of the topic.
  • The moderator and participants’ information (name, institutional affiliation, student or faculty status).
  • A brief summary of each participant’s presentation.

Submit proposals at this link:

No individual may serve on more than one panel. Panel organizers must secure commitment from panelists to participate before submitting the proposal. Moderators are discussion facilitators and may not serve as panelists. 

Questions about panel submissions can be directed to Rob Wells of the University of Maryland (, who is coordinating the panel competition. Authors of panel proposals will be notified in mid-July whether their panels have been accepted.

Research in Progress

The Research in Progress category is for work that will not be completed before the conference. Participants will give an overview of their research purpose and progress, not a paper presentation, as the category’s purpose is to allow for discussion and feedback on work in progress.

For research in progress submissions, send a blind abstract of your study. The abstract should include a title, a clear purpose statement, and a brief description of your primary sources. Abstracts must be no longer than two pages of text, double-spaced, in 12-point type, with one-inch margins, excluding notes. Primary sources should be described in detail on a separate double-spaced page.

The AJHA Research in Progress competition is administered electronically.

  • Proposals must be submitted via email as Word attachments, with author identification in the file names only.
  • The text of the email should include the author’s information (name, project title, telephone number, email address, institutional affiliation, and student or faculty status).

Send research in progress proposals to Authors will be notified in mid-July whether their proposals have been accepted.

Questions about submissions can be directed to Gwyneth Mellinger of James Madison University (, who is coordinating the Research in Progress competition.

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