38th Annual AJHA Convention
Dallas, TX | Oct. 3-5, 2019
Convention contacts Convention Coordinator Registration Coordinator Program Coordinator Convention hosts Erika Pribanic-Smith Melita Garza James Mueller | Conference Program Download a PDF of the conference program Questions about the program should be directed to 2nd Vice President Aimee Edmondson Go to: Thursday morning | Thursday afternoon | Friday | Saturday Wednesday, October 2 1:30 p.m. Board of Directors meeting 8:30-9:30 a.m. Welcome and President’s Address Ross Collins, North Dakota State 9:40 – 10:40 a.m. Choice of two sessions PAPER SESSION: Civil Rights, the Media, and the University Moderator: Aleen Ratzlaff, Tabor College Brandon Storlie, University of Wisconsin-Madison, “A Voice of the Recalcitrant Majority?: News Coverage of Campus Protest, 1967-1970”GRADUATE STUDENT PANEL: Unconventional History: Expanding Epistemologies, Digging into Data, and Crossing Disciplines in an Effort to Broaden the Field Moderator: Patricia Piburn, California Polytechnic University Panelists: Melissa Greene-Blye, University of Tennessee, Knoxville; Darryl Frazier, Wayne State University; Rachael E. Vacanti, Ohio University 10:50-11:50 a.m. Choice of two sessions PAPER SESSION: The Press and “Charismatic” Political Leadership Moderator: Donna Lampkin Stephens, University of Central Arkansas Julie Lane, Boise State University, “Defending Joe McCarthy” PAPER SESSION: Humor and Entertainment Media Moderator: Gwyn Mellinger, James Madison Presentations: 12–1:30 p.m. Awards Lunch 1:40-2:40 p.m. Choice of two sessions PAPER SESSION: Media, Race, and the Law Moderator: Will Mari, Louisiana State University PANEL: Book Publicity Strategies – Start Spreading the (History of) News Moderator: Jane Marcellus, Middle Tennessee Panelists: Nicholas Hirshon, William Paterson University; Amber Roessner, University of Tennessee-Knoxville; Matthew Pressman, Seton Hall University; Anne Farris Rosen, University of Maryland 2:50-3:50 p.m. Choice of two sessions PAPER SESSION: Media Depictions of Cruelty, Violence and Murder Moderator: Janice Hume, Georgia Presentations: PRESIDENT’S PANEL: Changes in Journalism History Since the First AJHA Conference Moderator: Ross Collins, North Dakota State University Panelists: David Sloan, University of Alabama (Professor Emeritus); Mike Murray, University of Missouri-St. Louis; Maurine Beasley, University of Maryland (Professor Emerita); David Copeland, Elon University 4-5:15 p.m. LOCAL PANEL: Hail to the Chiefs: Presidential Studies in the Lone Star State Moderator: Erika Pribanic-Smith (Texas-Arlington) Panelists: Liza Talbot (LBJ Library), Warren Finch (George H.W. Bush Library), Patrick Mordente (George W. Bush Library), Krishna Shenoy (The Sixth Floor Museum at Dealey Plaza) 5:30-7:30 p.m. AJHA Awards Reception 9-10 a.m. Choice of two sessions PAPER SESSION: Women making Strides: Suffrage and Discrimination in the Workplace Moderator: Maurine Beasley, Maryland Presentations: Therese L. Lueck, The University of Akron, “The Reconstruction of Woman Suffrage: A Final Journey” PANEL: American Journalism Best Articles Moderator: Vanessa Murphree, Southern Mississippi Panelists: Cynthia Meyers, College of Mount Saint Vincent; Mike Conway, Indiana University; Tom Mascaro, Bowling Green State University; Michael Socolow, University of Maine 10:10-11:25 a.m. Margaret A. Blanchard Dissertation Award 11:35-12:40 p.m. Donna Allen Roundtable Luncheon 1-6 p.m. Historic Tour 8:10-10 a.m. Choice of two Research-in-Progress Sessions • Approval of 2018 Minutes 11:50 a.m.-1:20 p.m. Working Lunch (Officers/Board) 1:30-2:30 p.m. Book of the Year Award 2:40-4 p.m. Choice of two sessions PAPER SESSION: Microhistory: The Significance of the Individual Moderator: Cayce Myers, Virginia Tech Presentations: Mark Holan, Journalist, “Ruth Russell in Revolutionary Ireland” Linda Lockhart, Marietta College, “A.W. Campbell Jr., the Editor Who Made a State” PAPER SESSION: Images, Mythology, and Media Moderator: Earnest Perry, Missouri 4:10-5:10 p.m. Choice of two sessions PAPER SESSION: Service to Country, Service to Society Moderator: George L. Daniels, University of Alabama Presentations: PANEL: Media and Race – War and Conflict Moderator: Patrick Washburn, Ohio University Panelists: Steve Hallock, Point Park University; Jinx Coleman Broussard, Louisiana State University; Pamela E. Walck, Duquesne University; Kathleen Wickham, University of Mississippi 6:30 p.m. Gala Dinner |