36th Annual AJHA Convention
Little Rock | Oct. 12-14, 2017
Convention contacts Convention Coordinator Registration Coordinator Program Coordinator Convention hosts Sonny Rhodes | Thursday, October 12 (morning) Go to: Schedule at a Glance | Thursday p.m. | Friday | Saturday David Vergobbi, University of Utah AJHA President, 2016-2017 9-10 a.m. Choice of two sessions PAPER SESSION: Caustic Ambition: Journalists as Politicians and Activists Moderator: Cathy M. Jackson, Norfolk State University This Means War: A Case Study of Caustic Political Copy in the Frontier Press of Minnesota, 1857-1861 Jon Bekken, Albright College From Frontier Newspaper to Metropolitan Daily: John Wentworth & The Chicago Democrat Raymond McCaffrey, University of Arkansas Barry H. Gottehrer and a ‘City in Crisis’: The Path from Journalist to Peacekeeper in New York City’s Turbulent Streets in the 1960s PANEL: Beyond the Interview: Using Oral History to Enrich Research 10:10-11:10 a.m. Choice of two sessions PAPER SESSION: Shaping New Journalism in Gilded Age America Moderator: Peggy Goertzen, Tabor College Come One, Come All: Advertising and Framing of Opening Day at the 1893 Chicago World’s Fair in the Chicago Tribune and the New York World Patti Piburn, Arizona State University Discovering the Arizona Republican Newspaper, 1896-1898: Yellow Journalism in America’s Territorial Press Mary Carver, University of Central Oklahoma Giving Voice to a Movement Through the Pages of the Woman’s Journal PANEL: A Fuller Cast of Characters: The Case for More Inclusive Methodology Sid Bedingfield, University of Minnesota
PAPER SESSION: Religious Journalism and Its Discontents Moderator: John Ferré, University of Louisville Candi Carter Olson and Erin Cox, Utah State University Bailey Dick, Ohio University Vicki Knasel Brown, University of Missouri-Columbia PANEL: Thinking Internationally: Research Opportunities Connecting Media History in the U.S. and Abroad Madeleine Liseblad, Arizona State University |