Speakers Bureau

The AJHA Speakers Bureau features members who share their expertise and knowledge with the media and local and national organizations. The diversity of our membership enables our bureau to provide a wealth of educational resources.

Historical Context Critical to Political Reporting

Longtime Associated Press campaign reporter Bill Barrow noted in his 2022 Dartmouth Bernard D. Nossiter lecture that at “a critical juncture for American journalism and self-government … a nuanced take is necessary to meet the moment.”

Barrow’s perspective aligned with those of reporters that University of Tennessee professor Amber Roessner and fellow media historians Nicholas Hirshon and Kristin Gustafson interviewed for a 2020 Columbia Journalism Review piece.

Journalists are not alone in calling for such context. 

“With historical context, an individual story becomes part of a larger narrative,” said R.J. Vogt, who has carried that appreciation of historical context and nuance into his career as a law clerk with the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Second Circuit.

Vogt points out that historical mindset might give journalists pause before describing current events as unprecedented, even in this seemingly anomalous moment of presidential politics.

The American Journalism Historians Association and its affiliated academic journal, American Journalism, invite local, regional, and national reporters to consider contacting the organization’s media history experts in topics related to this year’s presidential campaign:

  • A.J. Bauer, an assistant professor at the University of Alabama with expertise in  conservative news, right-wing media, mis/disinformation, propaganda, partisan journalism, media activism, and media criticism; 

  • Brian Creech, a professor at LeHigh University with expertise in fake news/misinformation or journalism practices, journalism criticism, and/or ethics of political journalism; 

  • Rachel Grant, an assistant professor at the University of Florida with expertise in social movements, social justice, and Black feminism; 

  • Kevin Lerner, an associate professor at Marist with an expertise in press criticism, the New York Times, the 1960s and 1970s, and the alternative press; 

  • Jon Marshall, an associate professor at Northwestern’s Medill School of Journalism with expertise in investigative journalism and the relationship between presidents and the press, especially after Watergate; 

  • Thomas A. Mascaro, professor emeritus at Bowling Green State University with expertise in documentary journalism history, documentary television, and network news longform reporting and co-author with William E. Porter of Assault on the Media: The Nixon Years, Updated with Analysis of 21st Century Threats to Democracy (Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Press, 2024), among others.

These sources offer an understanding of the political, economic, historical, and social environments of the places, people, and events that shape our politics. 

 Name (click for email)
 Affiliation  Phone  Expertise
 Noah Arceneaux
San Diego State
 (706) 224-0922 Early radio (pre-1930) and telegraph history
 Maurine Beasley
Maryland  (301) 405-2413 Eleanor Roosevelt and media, Washington women journalists
 Fred Blevens
Florida International
 (305) 919-4430  Native American journalism
 David Bulla
Zayed (U.A.E.)
 (055) 451-8799 Civil War journalism, First Amendment, 19th century press
 Brian Carroll
Berry College
 (706) 368-6944 Black press, integration of professional baseball, Negro leagues, communication technology
 Lucy Shelton Caswell
Ohio State
 (614) 292-0538
History of newspaper cartoons
 Mike Conway
Indiana  (812) 856-1371
Radio and television news history
 John Coward
Tulsa  (918) 631-2542
Native Americans and the media (19th and 20th centuries)
 Patrick Cox
Texas  (512) 217-2279
20th century political, media, and public history
 Dale L. Cressman
Brigham Young
 (801) 422-1686
Development of television news, Times Square, newspaper signage
 Doug Cumming
Washington & Lee
 (540) 458-8208
Southern press, press and civil rights, literary journalism
 Chris Daly
Boston  (617) 353-4295
Recurring crisis in the business model for the news media, non-profit newspaper PM
 David Davies
Southern Mississippi
 (601) 266-4533 Press and civil rights, newspaper industry since 1945
 Aimee Edmondson
Ohio  (901) 299-4219 Civil rights-era libel law
 Kitty Endres
Akron  (330) 972-6846 Magazines, muckraking, progressive era, women
 Carolyn Edy
 Appalachian State

(828) 262-7759

 History of women war correspondents
 John P. Ferre
Louisville  (502) 852-8167 Media and religion, media and ethics
 Dolores Flamiano
James Madison
 (540) 568-3034 Photojournalism, social reform photography, Life magazine, women’s history
 Barbara Friedman
North Carolina
 (919) 843-2099 Gender and mass communication history, World War II, newspapers and magazines
 Ray Gamache
College of St. Scholastica
 (218) 733-2298 Sports journalism history, journalism education
 Paul Gates  Appalachian State  (828) 262-2392  communication law, First Amendment
 Karla Gower
 (205) 348-0132
Public relations history
 Roy Harris
author/journalist  (781) 740-3114
History of the Pulitzer Prize, public service reporting, Watergate, the Pentagon Papers
 Berkley Hudson
Missouri  (573) 882-4201
American South photography, photojournalism, race relations in U.S. media, literary journalism
 Janice Hume
Georgia  (706) 542-5980
Media and public memory, journalism and grief, obituaries
 John Jenks
Dominican  (708) 524-6932
Cold War censorship, 20th century British news media
 Dean Jobb
 King's College
 (902) 422-1270 X143
 Libel and media law, freedom of the press, colonial era newspapers, Canada's early press history, Chicago journalism in the 1920s
 Dave Kaszuba
  History of sports journalism, women in sports journalism
 Paulette Kilmer
Toledo  (419) 297-2764 Popular culture, news as archetype and myth, news as narrative of cultural memory
 Carolyn Kitch
 (215) 204-5077 Women and journalism history, magazines, visual communication, memory studies
 Mary Lamonica
New Mexico State
 (575) 646-4638 Civil War women and Civil War reporting, 19th century minority journalism, 1930s FSA photographers
 Gerry Lanosga
Indiana  (317) 697-6083 Journalistic practice, investigative reporting, freedom of information
 Amy Mattson Lauters
Minnesota State-Mankato
 (507) 389-5523 Laura Ingalls Wilder/Rose Wilder Lane, American farm women’s history, literary journalism, women in media, women in popular culture
 Kevin Lerner  Marist  (845) 575-3000 X2661  Press criticism, intellectual history of the press, alternative media, 1960s and 1970s
 Chuck Lewis
Minnesota State-Mankato  (507) 389-5524 Photojournalism/photography, Civil War, World War I, World War II
 Linda Lumsden
Arizona  (520) 243-0533  Women’s journalism history, American radical press (1900-1918), suffrage press
 Jane Marcellus
Middle Tennessee State
 (615) 898-5282
Women in journalism, media representation of women
 Jon Marshall
Northwestern  (847) 467-2450 Investigative reporting, Watergate
 Jane S. McConnell
Minnesota State-Mankato  (507) 389-5801 Journalism ethics codes, history of social responsibility of the press
 James B. McPherson
Whitworth  (509) 777-4429 Media and politics, media and society
 James Mueller  North Texas  (940) 565-2278  19th century press, Civil War and frontier press, the press and the presidency
 Vanessa Murphree
Southern Mississippi
 (601) 266-6574
Public Relations history
 Eugenia M. Palmegiano
St. Peter's (retired)
 (201) 761-6177
19th century press, evolution of the journalist, transnational journalism
 Lee Anne Peck
Northern Colorado
 (970) 351-2635
History of U.S. media ethics
 Earnest Perry
Missouri  (573) 882-4214
African-American press
 Selene G. Phillips
Louisville  (502) 852-6976
Native American communication/newspapers/culture and the Chautauqua movement
 Mavis Richardson
Minnesota State-Mankato
(507) 389-3299
Wounded Knee (1890), Wounded Knee (1973), BIA occupation (1972), American Indian journalists and newspapers
 Ford Risley
Penn State
 (814) 865-2181
Abolitionist, Civil War and 19th-century press
 Lori Amber Roessner
Tennessee  (865) 974-5142
Sports media history; collective memory; gender, race, class in media history.
 David Sloan
Alabama (retired)
 (205) 333-8603
Press and politics, media bias, editorial writing, origins of the American newspaper 
 Reed Smith
Georgia Southern
 (912) 478-0531
Broadcast news history, Copperhead publishers in the Midwest during the Civil War, journalistic coverage of southern lynchings
 David Spencer
Western Ontario
 (519) 471-4578
19th century press, radicals, editorial cartoons
 James D. Startt
  Woodrow Wilson and the media
 Teresa Jo Styles
North Carolina A&T State
 (336) 334-7900
History of film/documentary film-making, broadcast journalists in network news, media management
 Michael S. Sweeney
 (740) 597-1799
World War I and World War II censorship and propaganda
 Leonard Teel
Georgia State
 (404) 377-8975 Cuban revolution (1956-59), Civil Rights journalism (1940-70), public press (1900-45)
 Debra Reddin van Tuyll
Augusta State
 (706) 729-2183 History of the political press, Civil War journalism, and issues of media law and ethics
 David J. Vergobbi
 (801) 485-4626 Mass media law, freedom of expression, media ethics
 Patrick S. Washburn
Ohio (retired)
 (740) 592-5888 Black newspapers in the 20th century, government and the press in World War II
 Susan Weill
Texas State
 (512) 396-1979 Race and gender in the media, civil rights and the media, stereotypes and the media

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