Call for Papers, Panels, and Research in Progress for 2025 American Journalism Historians Association Convention

The American Journalism Historians Association (AJHA) invites submissions of research papers, panel proposals, and research-in-progress abstracts on any aspect of journalism and media history for its 44th annual convention to be held September 25-27, 2025, in Long Beach, California.

Submission Deadline: All submissions are due by Monday, June 2, 2025, at 11:59 p.m. EST.

AJHA embraces a broad view of journalism and media history, including print, broadcasting, advertising, public relations, and other mass communication forms intertwined with the human past. Transnational research is also encouraged.

Paper Requirements

Originality: Submissions must contain original material and should not have been submitted to or accepted by another convention or publication.

Submission limits: Individuals may submit one entry per competition. Please note that paper, panel and research-in-progress submissions by the same author must cover different topics.

Convention attendance: At least one author of each accepted paper or research-in-progress submission must register for and attend the convention. Panelists are also required to register and attend.

Format guidelines for research papers:

      Papers should be no longer than 25 pages (excluding notes and figures), double-spaced, in 12-point font, with numbered pages.

      Any endnotes and figures should be placed at the end of the document.

      The Chicago Manual of Style is recommended but not required.

Submissions must be emailed as a Word document to

Your submission should include:

  1. Your full paper, free of any identifying information. Follow format guidelines above.
  2. A separate Word document with a 150-word abstract, paper title, and author details (name, email, phone, institutional affiliation, student/faculty status).

Upon submission, an auto-reply confirmation will be sent. If confirmation is not received within 48 hours, check your spam or junk folders. Contact Jennifer Moore ( if you do not find the auto-reply confirmation.

For questions, contact AJHA Research Chair Jennifer Moore at the University of Minnesota Duluth ( Authors should expect notification of acceptance in late July.


Panel proposals should explore original journalism and media history topics, offering diverse perspectives that encourage meaningful discussion. Diversity in race and gender among panelists is strongly encouraged.

Submission Requirements:

      Title and brief topic description.

      Moderator and participants' information (name, institutional affiliation, student/faculty status).

      A brief summary of each participant's presentation.

Panel proposals must be submitted via email to Susan Swanberg: Organizers must confirm participation from panelists before submission. Moderators serve as facilitators and cannot be panelists.

For questions, contact Susan Swanberg at the University of Arizona ( Notification of acceptance will be sent in late July.

Research in Progress

This category is for ongoing projects that will not be completed before the conference. Participants will present an overview of their research purpose and progress, facilitating discussion and feedback.

Submission Requirements:

      A blind abstract including title, purpose statement, and the availability and role of primary sources (max two pages, double-spaced, 12-point font, 1-inch margins).

      A separate page detailing primary sources.

Submissions must be emailed as Word attachments to, with author identification in the file name only. The email body should include author details (name, project title, phone, email, institutional affiliation, student/faculty status).

For questions, contact Gwyneth Mellinger at James Madison University ( Notification of acceptance will be sent in late July.



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