Joseph McKerns Research Grant

Deadline: June 23, 2025

The American Journalism Historians Association seeks applications for its annual Joseph McKerns Research Grant Awards.

The research grant is intended to provide research assistance and to recognize and reward the winners. Up to four grants for up to $1,250 each will be rewarded upon review and recommendation of the Research Committee. Grants may be used for travel or other research-related expenses, but not for salary. Indirect costs are not allowable.

Awardees must submit a brief article to the Intelligencer newsletter about their completed research by Sept. 1, 2026 discussing method, findings, complications, significance.


  • All current AJHA full members with a minimum of three years' membership at the time of application are eligible.
  • The research must be related to mass media history.
  • Awardees are expected to continue their membership through the grant period.
  • Members may apply for a McKerns Research Grant once every five years.

Application requirements:

  • Complete application form included with the Call For Proposals.
  • A 1- to 3-page prospectus/overview of the project, including a budget (which should include a listing of amount and sources of other support, if appropriate), timelines, and expected outlets for the research.
  • If appropriate, include Institutional Review Board (IRB) approval from the applicant's university.
  • A shortened curriculum vita (no more than 3 pages).

Grant applications must be submitted via email to Research Committee Chair Jennifer Moore. Email and write "McKerns Research Grant Application" in the subject line. Materials may be submitted as PDF files or Word documents by June 23, 2025.

Past winners


    Dianne Bragg

    Debra van Tuyll

    Ashley Walter 


    Natascha Toft Roelsgaard

    Caitlin Cieslik-Miskimen

    Phil Glende

    Jason Guthrie


    Melissa Greene-Blye

    W. Joseph Campbell 

    Erin Coyle 

    Keith Greenwood 


    Peter Gloviczki
    Kevin Lerner
    Yong Volz

    Mark Bernhardt
    George Daniels
    Elisabeth Fondren
    Rob Wells

    Candi Carter Olson
    Gerry Lanosga
    Teri Finneman

    Michael Fuhlhage
    Amy Lauters
    Raymond McCaffrey
    Pamela Walck

    David Davies
    Berkley Hudson

    Will Mari
    Melita Garza
    Debbie van Tuyll
    Pete Smith

    Erin Coyle
    Aimee Edmondson
    Linda Lumsden
    Gwyneth Mellinger

    Michael Martinez
    Roger Mellen

    Michael Dibari Jr.
    Michael Fuhlhage
    Vanessa Murphree
    Erika Pribanic-Smith

    Meg Lamme
    Tracy Lucht

    Noah Arceneaux
    John Coward
    Earnest Perry
    Amber Roessner

    Elizabeth Burt
    Kathleen Endres
    Kimberley Mangun
    Gwyneth Mellinger
    Andie Tucher

    Frank Fee
    Barbara Friedman
    Kimberly Wilmot Voss
    Ronald Zboray and Mary Zboray

    Brian Carroll
    Dolores Flamiano
    Janice Hume
    Jane Marcellus

    David Bulla
    Joseph Campbell
    Linda Lumsden
    Jan Whitt

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