Conference Announcement: International Colloquium on Forgotten Journalists

26 Jun 2024 7:53 AM | Karlin Andersen Tuttle (Administrator)

An upcoming conference in Ghent, Belgium will examine the lives and work of lesser-known journalists whose careers shaped the industry and reported on some of the world’s biggest news stories. Liberas, an archive organization based in Belgium and dedicated to the history of liberalism, will host “Forgotten Journalists: Lived experiences and professional identities in the past” on June 6 and 7, 2025, in conjunction with Ghent University, the Laboratory of Journalistic Practices and Identities, and the Center for Archives on Media and Information. The conference aims to “make visible those whose work has been underestimated, or whose journalistic (or partly journalistic) careers have been neglected.” The two-day event will also include keynote presentations from scholars including Noah Amir Arjomand (University of California), Marie-Eve Thérenty (Université de Montpellier III), and AJHA member Will Mari (Louisiana State University). Abstracts are due on August 30, 2024, and travel grants will be provided to two early career researchers attending the conference from outside of Europe. More information about the conference is available on the Liberas website.

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