The deadline for submitting nominees for the 2018 AJHA Margaret A. Blanchard Doctoral Dissertation Prize is Feb. 1.
Eligible works shall include both quantitative and qualitative historical dissertations, written in English, which have been completed between Jan. 1, 2017, and Dec. 31, 2017. For the purposes of this award, a "completed" work is defined as one which has not only been submitted and defended but also revised and filed in final form at the applicable doctoral-degree-granting university by Dec. 31, 2017.
To be considered, please submit the following materials in a single e-mail to the address below:
- A cover letter from the applicant containing complete (home and work) contact information (postal addresses, phone numbers and e-mail addresses). The letter should express a willingness, should the dissertation be selected for a prize, both to attend the awarding ceremony and to deliver a public presentation based on the dissertation at the 2018 American Journalism Historians Association Annual Convention 4-6 October 2018 in Salt Lake City, Utah.
- A letter of nomination from the dissertation chair/director or the chair of the university department in which the dissertation was written.
- A single PDF containing the following (with no identifying information):
- A 200-word abstract.
- The dissertation table of contents.
- A single chapter from the dissertation, preferably not exceeding 50 manuscript pages (not including notes, charts or photographs). The chapter should, if possible, highlight the work’s strengths as a piece of primary-sourced original research.
- In a separate PDF but in the same e-mail, a blind copy of the complete dissertation.
- To be considered, all identifying information—including author, school, and dissertation committee members’ names—must be deleted from items 3 and 4 above.
Nominations, along with all the supporting materials, should be sent to
More information about the Blanchard Prize can be found on the AJHA website.